Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Be ~ Do ~ Have!

Do you remember when you were a child and you would just sit, and imagine,  and dream.  Nothing was impossible, was it?

There's a common question asked of children.......,"What do you want to be when you grow up?"  And we would answer all kinds of things.  Superman! A Nurse! A Teacher!  A Singer!  I mean, we answered without limitations at all!!! If you were to ask my son today, he would tell you "Batman", and mean it!!!  LOL! 

Well, what happened to that?  What happened to that burning desire to do anything that you wanted to do?   What happened to the zeal, the determination and the will to do?  Can we explore something for a minute?  The common question I mentioned earlier......"What do you want to be when you grow up?"  We are taught early on to live life under a  ~ HAVE ~  DO  ~  BE ~  concept.  WHEN I grow up, I will BE, such and such.  This mode of thinking puts you in a wait mode. I have to wait until I grow up. I have to wait until I'm bigger.  I have to wait until I know more.  Then the "waits" grow up and,  I have to wait until I have the money. Until I get out of debt...until my children go to school...and the waits go on and on and on. 

Don't wait! Let the child BE the nurse or the singer or even Batman!  Well, what do nurses do? They take care of people, they are patient, they teach, they nurture, they inspire.  Batman protects people, he cares for the weak and looks out for those in need.  The principles of who they desire to BE can and should start right away! Deposit that into them! The development of it will happen over time, and as they grow in knowledge, wisdom and stature they will always BE who they desire to BE.  Rarely doubting. Rarely waivering. Mostly moving forward and pursuing those dreams and desires that come from GOD!  Hallelujah!

None of us should be waiting.  We should all be BEing! It starts with you.  What you think about, you'll be about!  We should all live from the mode of  ~ BE ~ DO ~ HAVE ~!   See yourself BEing that CEO, Business Owner, or Author.  This will cause you to DO what a Business Owner, CEO or Author does, moving you to HAVE what you are meant to have!   Touching the lives you are meant to touch!  Come on, now!  Don't wait!  It starts in the soul;....your  mind, will and emotions! Yes, it starts there...and God is the one who leads you through your process.

Start teaching your children to ~ BE ~ DO ~ HAVE ~ and if need be,........................ teach yourself the same thing. 
