Monday, April 29, 2013

Leading With Who In Mind? ~ Be the "Pioneer" God has called you to be.

One day, a few weeks ago, our family decided to do some spring cleaning.  While cleaning, I like to listen to music or maybe a teaching while I work.  On this particular day, I was listening to music and a song started to play that was given to me about a year ago as a testimony to what God was doing in my life.  The song is Pioneer, by Rick Pino.  As it was playing, Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart about leadership.  There was a point in the song that made me pause and say, "Wow."  (I love it when God shows me Himself practically.)  You know, when His word comes to life in the everyday things that we do.  On this day, it was about leadership.  It was blessing me so much that I picked up my phone and started recording what I was hearing the Lord speak to my heart.  It was a question posed to get us thinking about leadership that leads with the "follower" in mind.  Just another example of thinking on things that are above and not beneath.  Above thinking isn't selfish.  Above thinking considers others.  Above thinking sacrifices.  These are just three practical applications that was impressed upon me.  It really blessed me to have God challenge me with being the kind of leader He would have me to be.  Hope it does the same for you.  Many Blessings!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

I Was Scared, even Confused at times....

I don't consider myself to be a professional marketer. A skeptic for the most part, but at the same time I do believe that there are opportunities available to us.  The thing is finding them and connecting with the right people.  My issues. Fear of making money. Why? Because I knew that the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil.  (Who wants that?!?) I certainly didn't want to fall in love with money.  You know, think about ministry, people start out one way, with good intentions and a heart to serve.  But after things get going well, the deceiver comes in and makes us feel confident about who we are or what we have accomplished.  We know how to talk the talk, but our hearts are no longer as "pure" as they were when we started.  Think about Revelations 3, when Jesus told the church of Laodecia that He saw their works, they were neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm and then He went on to say how they were saying, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’   WHOA!!! That gave me a pause.  I never want to grow confident in what I have! Never! Jesus goes on to tell them, "But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."  See, deception!  And deception comes subtly.  It's around whispering to you over time. Planting seeds in your heart, in your mind until you start believing them and the next thing you know, BOOM!  We find ourselves no longer depending on God or maybe having a greater confidence in our money, our gifts, our talents, education and the list goes on.  Well, before I could go any further with all I was learning I needed to take some time to spend with God and to be taught by Holy Spirit, what Jesus taught us about money.

So, what was my deal? Well, I had limited thinking as it pertained to money because of fear and I had not used my gifts and talents out of fear. What a disservice to God.  The people around me scared me. (Just being honest.) They spoke blessings and curses from the same mouth. So many people seemed so money hungry and money driven.  So, I took off and ran the other way.  Well, I'm back now.  Back in the marketplace and with greater understanding.  Understanding that money is a tool and is here to serve and not be served.  It is here to follow and not to be pursued.  As I give of myself (time, talents, gifts) to God, He is the one who rewards us.  This comes in many ways.  The rewards, that is, and I had to get comfortable that God would reward me with financial blessings.  As you pursue God and His righteousness, as you serve others with your gifts and talents, God will reward you.  Basically, what do you have in your hands? Commit it to God and He will direct you and bless you accordingly.  Don't get caught up with what other people are doing.  He knows what we can handle.  He knows what He has for us. Pursue Him. It is in that pursuit that we grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  It is here that we have peace.  And I'm telling you it's different.  If you are feeling anxious about your endeavors, your goals, your desires, I encourage you to slow down and look up.  Pursue Jesus. Pursue His righteousness.  : )  (This just makes me smile. I pray you are getting this.)

Don't do what you do to become a millionaire, (though that could happen) but do what you do as a service to God by serving His people.  A life of worship is what I have. It is what we all should have because EVERYTHING that we do, it is to glorify God. How I talk to you..., how I present my business to you..., how I operate my business, my trainings, my workshops....are all done to glorify God.  This is living a life of worship.

So, here I am. Back in the marketplace.  To meet you,... to reunite with others, be a voice in the wilderness, worship by extending service to others using the gifts God has given me. (Romans 12:1)  I pray you are doing the same.