Monday, November 1, 2010

I say “Welcome” to you AND to myself!

Boy, this site has been a long time coming.  Time and time again I had a dear friend and a sister-in-law tell me that I needed to start a blog.  My response, “What do I have to share?” “Who would want to hear from me?” “I don’t know anything.”  “Nobody cares about my life experiences”…. just to name a few.   I was notorious for talking myself out of anything that pulled me out of my comfort zone.  What was my zone?  I felt protected when I was hidden.  As long as I don’t come forth, no one can find fault with me.  No one can compare me to anyone else.  No one will find out just how scared I am to make mistakes.  Mistakes?!? Oh, I couldn’t make mistakes.  That means something is wrong with me.  That means I have failed! People must be seeing me as a failure!  I felt  like a failure to God, myself and everyone around me.  If you were not loving me, then you must have an ought against me because I did something to you.  That is how I lived my life for years!  The result of this fear resulted in poverty, struggle, bitterness, lack of confidence, and the feeling that everyone was against me.  I encountered rejection everywhere I turned.  It was as if I invited it.  And I did.  You draw to you what you expect.  What you think about and set your mind too, I tell you it shall be yours.  We’ll talk about that later. : )
What I did over the years is, I established self-imposed BOUNDARIES on myself due to my confidence issues.  The amazing thing is many people who really did not know me thought I had it all together.  And even if they suspected, they would hear me speak or train or teach and think…”Uh, I must have pegged her wrong.”   The gifts God has given me would always come through strong, but when I got alone I would question how I sounded, if I offended (people pleaser), how did I look, etc.?   For those who walked with God and heard His voice, they were many times able to discern that I wore a mask and I wore it well.   I sought validation from people so much.  Mistake!  What people think of me is none of my business.  What God thinks of me is all I need to be concerned about! I know that now.  And mistakes?  They help you grow. I have learned to fail my way into success.  I no longer hold on to hurt and offense.  Who am I to hold anything against anyone?  I think about what God said to Jonah after Jonah expressed his frustration with God for showing mercy on the city of Ninevah.  God used a plant to remind Jonah that he had no authority to question what God did as he had nothing to do with it, because he (Jonah) was not the creator of that plant nor did he make it grow. Jonah 4:5-10.  Who am I to question a person’s motives, to judge them based on their actions never seeking their intentions? Who am I to judge God’s creation and carry offense against them? Especially knowing that He carried none against me.  Freedom feels good!
So, I “WELCOME” you to my site! Thank you for joining me.  It’s going to be a blast! And I “WELCOME” myself for taking the plunge and taking another step toward my “Greatness” and out of the boundaries that have held me captive for so long.  I pray you are Blessed continually as we explore living your Best life ever, as God intended with all that God has to offer you as you live it!  He wants to “Empower You to Believe” in Him and yourself!


  1. Congrats! I have been following But really, I admire you and you encourage me everyday to take hold of what God has for me. Oh, I have partnered with Les Brown. Thx!

    Renee Sallee-Doughty

  2. HELLO! I am so happy you began Blogging! What a wonderful tool to help manifest our best lives! You are amazing and I look forward to reading your Blog!
