Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Deliverance from the spirit of Rejection ~

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It became obvious to me recently that hurting people really get on the nerves of those who may not be hurting or going through something.  It's like compassion just goes out the window and we want people to just, "GET IT TOGETHER!"  "TOUGHEN UP!" "DON'T BE SO EASILY OFFENDED!"  The spirit of rejection is a spirit that many people bear.  Many times, we go through life knowing that something is not quite right within us, but we just don't know what it is, where it came from or what to call it.  Maybe daddy wasn't around or mommy always spoke negatively to you or about you.  Then when you hit the playground the other girls never picked you for their team or invited you to the sleepover.  These small things over time can impart a spirit of rejection that if not identified and dealt with will grow up with you and cause turmoil as you try to have healthy relationships with others.

All of a sudden, in your mind, everyone seems to be against you. You become suspicious of other people's motives and find it hard to receive compliments. You seek to please EVERYBODY, rarely remaining true to yourself! And because you don't really do what you want to do or say what you want to say, you find it hard to take people at their word.  People will mistake your kindness for weakness (which sometimes it is), and  all the while you are dying inside.
A rejected spirit is breeding ground where insecurities form resulting into self imposed boundaries and limiting beliefs.  This spirit gives permission to have pity parties and to harbor unforgiveness.  In essence, you believe you have the right to feel the way that you do. Unfortunately, some people tend to deal harshly with someone like this, or that's what it feels like or they just flat out avoid you, because they just don't want to be bothered with you and your hurt feelings.  Really, it can be draining to others. I tell you, I have had my share of this.  Someone is trying to talk me out of the place I'm in, and for me, I just felt like they didn't understand.  My husband, unfortunately wore this banner for a long time. But, you know what, we do need someone there to help us overcome these boundaries that have imprisoned us, AND this person needs to be honest with us (which may sometimes seem harsh) about how we are behaving so that we can come out of the bondage that we are in.
Some people don't understand nor do they want to tolerate a person they feel is whining, complaining or weak.  It's sometimes hard for people with confidence to understand why you would lack confidence.  Especially when we are Believers in Christ.  We have His DNA running through our veins!  We are joint heirs with Christ and have the authority to tread over every power of the enemy.  We have DOMINION!  And hey, hearing all of that, it kind of makes you think too, huh? 
Well, here's the point to all of this.  Rejection is a beast that desires to keep you limited by blaming other people for the short comings you have or think you are having in your life.  If rejection sets into your spirit, you will succomb to its control by ALLOWING people to use you and walk over you.  Remember, this spirit  gets you to give up what you really want, in order to please others, and then it's internalized as, "They hurt me!"
So, how do you break free from this?
  • The first thing you have to do is decide that you no longer want to be bound by the spirit of rejection. Yes, a decision. 
  • Secondly, pray to God to release this spirit from your life. Bind rejection and loose Holy Ghost Boldness in your life and Forgiveness to all that hurt you. 
  • Thirdly, connect with someone you trust, who knows the Lord and will help you to see YOU in every situation that comes your way.  That's right.....we have to work on ourselves. 
  • Lastly, walk it out.
As tough as it may seem...and it is....you can not depend on other people to understand what you have been through, what was said to you, how it was said or how it made you feel, ONLY.  You see, your deliverance is greater than their understanding. Having someone understand you doesn't free you. You won't feel any better about your hurts just because I understand.  You will walk away still hurt with an understanding prayer partner.  Now, don't get me wrong, your accounatbility partner will & should empathize with you to a certain point, but they shouldn't ride that wave with you long.  And, if they do, they aren't the right accountability/prayer partner. : )  Instead, they should draw you to look at yourself and begin to explore why you are thinking as you are, behaving as you might have and reacted as you did, and hold YOU responsible for your behavior.  Let me give you a personal example.  Earlier this year I made a decision to let go of something that I loved and enjoyed doing because other people were about to do the same thing on the same night.  I was concerned with what people were saying about me (rejection) and I didn't want to lose relationships (people pleaser) so I let it go.  I regretted it and added more hurt to my soul, because here again, I felt rejected and controlled.  Now the question is, "Who's fault was that?"  I'll tell you.  MINE! All MINE!  My prayer partner helped me to see that I made the decision to give up that thing. How can I blame someone for what I allowed to happen? Get it?  You see, hurt people, hurt people. And, when we walk around hurt, we tend to be negative and see the worse in every situation. So as you look inward, you begin to see where you may be misguided in your thoughts or maybe even caused some of the problems yourself.
I have been delivered and now I am walking it. Walking is action, it's movement.  It means I'm doing something.  Deliverance is action.  We deliver a message, products, a baby.  Again, ACTION.  You have to be intentional in order to take care of you and to not harbor hurts.  Hurt feelings many times lie to you. They tell you things are going on that are not.  They suggest that people are speaking against you when they are not.  I am intentional about not telling myself stories anymore.  I do as Phillipians 4: 8 teaches us, which is to "think on whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  Paul goes on to say, whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. You see that? Action! Put it into practice!  Don't dwell on negative thoughts.  Resist them. Don't believe them. Don't entertain them.  Say this with me, "I am a child of God and He loves me and equips me.  His DNA runs through my veins. I believe what God says about me and I reject what the enemy says to me and about me."  My sister, the more we align ourselves with RIGHT thinking, the more we will experience the freedom to love others and we won't harbor ill feelings in our hearts nor in our souls.  So I ask you, are you ready to let go of the hurts?  Are you ready to bind the spirit of rejection and loose Holy Ghost boldness?  Who do you trust that will guide you lovingly to look inward as you walk out your deliverance? Are you ready to be true to yourself and to be responsible for you, regardless of what anyone else says or does?  I thank God for my friend who lends me her ear when I feel troubled, and takes me by my hand to draw me from that place of hurt and makes me take responsibility for the choices that I make as well as challenges me when the stories form in my mind. I AM DELIVERED!

Prayer of deliverance from rejection:  “In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have died to my sins. I am a new creation; old things have passed away. Because of my death with Jesus and the fact that He bore my curses with Himself on the cross, I hereby cancel the curse of rejection. I break its hold in my life, and I expose the deception of Satan wherein he has lied to me, saying that I was rejected by God and man. I am accepted into the family of God. Jesus bore my rejection by God and man on the cross. He has freed me from the curse of sin and rejection.  Let not rejection be established in my  life, but let Your righteousness be established. Now that the curse of rejection is bound, I loose Holy Ghost Boldness in my life.  Today, I forgive those who have hurt me and I operate out of the spirit of Love, Power and a SOUND MIND.  My mind is governed by you as I have the mind of Christ. Thank You, God, for my freedom.”

In Jesus' Name I pray,


Monday, November 1, 2010

I say “Welcome” to you AND to myself!

Boy, this site has been a long time coming.  Time and time again I had a dear friend and a sister-in-law tell me that I needed to start a blog.  My response, “What do I have to share?” “Who would want to hear from me?” “I don’t know anything.”  “Nobody cares about my life experiences”…. just to name a few.   I was notorious for talking myself out of anything that pulled me out of my comfort zone.  What was my zone?  I felt protected when I was hidden.  As long as I don’t come forth, no one can find fault with me.  No one can compare me to anyone else.  No one will find out just how scared I am to make mistakes.  Mistakes?!? Oh, I couldn’t make mistakes.  That means something is wrong with me.  That means I have failed! People must be seeing me as a failure!  I felt  like a failure to God, myself and everyone around me.  If you were not loving me, then you must have an ought against me because I did something to you.  That is how I lived my life for years!  The result of this fear resulted in poverty, struggle, bitterness, lack of confidence, and the feeling that everyone was against me.  I encountered rejection everywhere I turned.  It was as if I invited it.  And I did.  You draw to you what you expect.  What you think about and set your mind too, I tell you it shall be yours.  We’ll talk about that later. : )
What I did over the years is, I established self-imposed BOUNDARIES on myself due to my confidence issues.  The amazing thing is many people who really did not know me thought I had it all together.  And even if they suspected, they would hear me speak or train or teach and think…”Uh, I must have pegged her wrong.”   The gifts God has given me would always come through strong, but when I got alone I would question how I sounded, if I offended (people pleaser), how did I look, etc.?   For those who walked with God and heard His voice, they were many times able to discern that I wore a mask and I wore it well.   I sought validation from people so much.  Mistake!  What people think of me is none of my business.  What God thinks of me is all I need to be concerned about! I know that now.  And mistakes?  They help you grow. I have learned to fail my way into success.  I no longer hold on to hurt and offense.  Who am I to hold anything against anyone?  I think about what God said to Jonah after Jonah expressed his frustration with God for showing mercy on the city of Ninevah.  God used a plant to remind Jonah that he had no authority to question what God did as he had nothing to do with it, because he (Jonah) was not the creator of that plant nor did he make it grow. Jonah 4:5-10.  Who am I to question a person’s motives, to judge them based on their actions never seeking their intentions? Who am I to judge God’s creation and carry offense against them? Especially knowing that He carried none against me.  Freedom feels good!
So, I “WELCOME” you to my site! Thank you for joining me.  It’s going to be a blast! And I “WELCOME” myself for taking the plunge and taking another step toward my “Greatness” and out of the boundaries that have held me captive for so long.  I pray you are Blessed continually as we explore living your Best life ever, as God intended with all that God has to offer you as you live it!  He wants to “Empower You to Believe” in Him and yourself!